First day of conferences went great! Thank you for your time!  Tomorrow a new set of spelling words will be going home on yellow paper, please look for them.  Tomorrow is a half day as well. 
Sketchpad is a fun online drawing tablet.  You can create designs with all the drawing tools that need. There are also choices for swatches, patterns, and all the colors. You can even save your artwork and you do not need to sign up. 
Happy Holidays!! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving Break!  This week is parent/teacher conferences.  There will be early release on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Please check your scheduled time for conferences, if you cannot make it, please let me know ASAP so we can reschedule.  I look forward to meeting with all of you.  Also, 4 AM and AR points are due this week and do not forget to turn in your reading logs tomorrow. 
Tomorrow is a half day and then Thanksgiving Break begins!! We will have our spelling test tomorrow, but there will be no spelling test the following Wednesday.  Enjoy your break!  Tomorrow is crazy hair day too.  I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving  full of family and friends.  Don't forget to read!
Wednesday is Crazy Hair Day at Evergreen Elementary!  Also, do not forgot to study your spelling words as we will have a spelling test as usual this Wednesday.  Lastly, parent/teacher conference letters were mailed.  Please look for those and let me know ASAP if the time given will not work. Thanks!
Thanksgiving break is upon us!  First, reading logs are due tomorrow.  The points for AM and AR have been reset, therefore we need 2 points this week.  Remember, it is a short week, so don't get behind.  Wednesday is a half day, so please be sure to plan for that.  I hope everyone had a great weekend and you got out to enjoy the snow...I sure did!!!
Our first reporting period has ended.  Where did the time go?  Those students that worked hard to get all of their points received a special treat to take home. The points system starts all over again, which means we will need 2 AM and AR points next week.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wordle is a website that creates "word clouds" provided by the text of your choice.  You can change the color, layout, fonts, etc. of your wordle as well.  Once your wordle is created to your liking, you can print it, save it or send it.  Click on my wordle to bring you to the site and  get creative! Have fun!
New Spelling words went home today on yellow paper.  Please look for them and take time to study them in the evenings.  We have two more days to get our 24 AM and AR points for the reporting period.  Please look at the TOPS reports to see where your child is in regards to achieving this goal.  Lastly, early release on Friday.
Middle of the week always brings Spelling Tests!!!  Please be ready for the last spelling test of the reporting period tomorrow.  New spelling words will go home on yellow paper.  Look out for those!  Do not forget, Friday is an early release day, so be sure to plan for that.