Have you ever wondered what a QR code is, what a wiki is, or what cloud computing is?  This website takes difficult ideas and creates fun, easy to follow videos to help explain what they are are. Click on the link below to check out the library of videos that this website has to offer.  Then when you are done, come join my RSS feed. :) 


Report cards are done and turned in.  Please watch for them in the mail.  If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please let me know.  Once you have reviewed them, sign and return them to school.  Thanks so much!!

Ms. Davies:)
The district's theme this year is Tolerance and Respect.  Also, the City of Wrangell has declared October as "Anti-Bullying" month.  Today, we had our first presentation and introduction to our anti-bullying program.  We will be meeting  twice a month to discuss this topic.  If you would like to learn more about what we are doing, go to the website I have listed below.

This website allows you to download free audio books in several different formats.  Check it out and see what books they have to offer. Download a book and check out the book at the library to follow along.  Better yet, listen and follow along to an AR book!


Now that we are in the "groove" of school, I will be updating this website often.  This means I will be posting blogs and posting pics of what we are doing.  Check back often for updates and information!  Happy fall!!